My current explorations of what is a ghost of a plant?

My current explorations: From my last work in July I have continued to question how plants/weeds have become our ghost. They are an ancestor of our travels, a blueprint of where we have been and who we socialize with. This has further led to the thinking that an ancestor is real, but also not real, as they do not physically exist anymore. They exist in our memories and sometimes in photo's, but details of them often become vague or even inaccurate. Further analyzing the Gatherings' series I realized that the full idea of a ghost was not there yet. There was presence and absence, but I needed to explore this further. This idea of presence and absence, seeing and not seeing is what is driving my work at the moment. Aiming for a trace of something and trying to combine the real and unreal. Here is what is happening in the studio in response to

this thinking:



wild raddish

Wild radish


Screen print trials on different paper stock

Posted by Elle Anderson

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