One of my prints is hanging in Portland USA today - as part of the Southern Graphics International Print Conference. The portfolio is called Hello. I love you. I'm sorry.
The words that go with the print:
'Ki te mate te tangata ka haere tōna wairua ki te reinga noho ai'
(If a person dies their spirit goes to the departing place of spirits to stay)
Lino cut, hand painting, screen printing, individually hand cut
Fabriano, Tiepolo 290gm Edition of 15. November. 2016
This flower belongs to the Pohutukawa tree, Metrosideros excelsa. This tree has spiritual significance in New Zealand with the Maori people (the indigenous people of NZ) and in particular one specific Pohutukawa tree.
At the most Northern tip of NZ stands a lone Pohutukawa tree, believed to be 800 years old.
In Māori mythology, this site marks the place where spirits (wairua) of the dead leave New Zealand.
The spirits (wairua) descend down the roots of the tree underneath the sea and into the underworld to begin their voyage to return to the land of their ancestors, Hawaiiki-A-Nui
Elle Anderson
November 2016
My print is the second from the left in first photo.
Thanks to Terri Dilling who is the coordinator for this portfolio.

Posted by Elle Anderson
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